Monday, April 22, 2013

hip to be a square...

pink top: Forever 21
sweater: Jason Maxwell (couldn't find a website!)
gray jeans: T Five
thrifted patent leather heels: Dexter

Hello again, readers. I thought I would share some of my glorious weekend with you all. Friday night I was glued to the TV as the Boston bomber was captured (as I'm sure most of you were, GRIPPING television, personally it was on par with the OJ Simpson Bronco chase and Amanda Knox's verdict). Saturday morning I went to eat at Another Broken Egg with my broski! I love spending time with him, and if I get a fabulous meal in the meantime, great. There is nothing like great coffee and brunch with your brother on a lazy weekend day.
Saturday night I hung out with my friends Laura and Brady at the Wine Loft in Perkins Rowe. I spend wayyyyyy too much time at Perkins Rowe, what with Urban Outfitters right there :) . Here is what I wore, an outfit I was proud of, for once:

Below is a detail of the shirt: I had been searching for a shirt like this for some time, and I finally got one at Forever 21. My mom also go a similar shirt the same day! I am pretty sure we each tried on the other person's shirt first and it didn't work out, but then switched and each got what we wanted.
I LOVE this type of shirt, especially on guys, I don't exactly know what to call them, but they're the type of shirts Vince Vaughn might wear. Like bowling shirts, I guess, but without all the branding. Does anyone know what to call them? They were super popular in the 90s, which may explain why I like them so much. I was happy to find a girl version of one.

Then, on Sunday, I went with my friend Lesley and her friends and family to take some Senior pictures! We roamed around downtown Baton Rouge, and we found awesome locations for backdrops. Below are some pictures I took along the way. We found some great spots!

The geometric pattern above and the blue wall below are right outside of Red Star Bar, which is currently going through renovations and should be opening back up in 30 days, or so the owner let us know. I have some great undergrad memories of going to Red Star Bar.
Isn't this blue gorgeous? I just love vibrant colors so much. My picture does not do it justice.

Below is another geometric wall we found. There were a few more that I didn't take pictures of, actually! Who knew people that own buildings in downtown BR were so into shapes. Maybe BR secretly stands for Badass Rhombus.

By the title is a reference to a Sesame Street knockoff of "Hip to Be Square" by Huey Lewis and the News. I have provided the link because it's both adorable (old skool Sesame Street is da, don't get me started on the Yip Yips) and goes along with the geometricity of my post: Do you remember it?? And, more importantly, did I use geometricity correctly???
Finally, Happy Earth Day, you guys!! Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings, and don't forget to preserve them for those who will be here after us.

1 comment:

  1. Rami, this post is so good. Loved watching the Sesame Street segment and the Badass Rhombus comment cracked me up. Neat buildings in BR also. Love you!


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